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Restaurant Raves, Not Reviews

L.A. chefs and guests mingle at the new Tastemade studio in Santa Monica and get a demo of the just-debuted Tastemade video app designed to help food lovers share their favorite bites.

What if instead of rationalizing the sub par star rating we gave to a restaurant that failed to dazzle us with food, ambiance and service, we told our friends about the one dish (or drink, or dessert) they simply must try? 

This is the focus of the newly debuted make-your-own-video app from Tastemade, the Santa Monica startup that's built a business around sharing a passion for incredible food. And since they're purely focused on what to love, Tastemade videos are all about raves, not reviews.

The videos are also easy to make. From recording your "rave" to selecting background music, the step-by-step process pushes you through your mini production like a pro. The hardest part is mustering up the confidence to have your date record you as you describe a dish within earshot of fellow diners.

Download the Tatsemade app, and show us your favorite eats and drinks around Venice. 

Bun in the Oven: Superba Food & Bread

New Home for Victory Garden