(Photo by Nicole Urso Reed)
Get ready for that big beautiful cheese wheel in the sky tonight as the annual Harvest Moon begins to ascend at sunset.
The Harvest Moon earns its moniker for being the full moon closest to autumnal equinox, which falls this year on September 22. It's also a supermoon, the third consecutive this summer, and since it falls in Pisces, astrologers believe it to be supercharged with the energy of emotional awareness.
"This Pisces Full Moon is another super moon—closest to the Earth, bigger than usual, more energizing," writes Cathy Pagano in Wisdom of Astrology. "If you live by the ocean, the tides will be higher, bringing the magic of the ocean closer to our consciousness. This is as it should be when the Moon is in Pisces, which symbolizes the subtle realms beyond our sensual knowledge."
It's going to get really real tonight, you guys. As you embrace the magic, here are a few of our favorite lunar jams to help you get extra emo with the ones you love.
"Harvest Moon" by Neil Young
"Black Moon" by Wilco
"Moonlight Serenade" by Glenn Miller
"Quedate Luna" by Devendra Banhart
"Yellow Moon" by The Neville Brothers
"The Killing Moon" by Echo and the Bunnymen
Walkin' After Midnight" by Patsy Cline