Photos courtesy The Golden State Store
Stephanie Stuart is a free-spirited California native who helped pioneer a seedy strip of Rose Ave by opening her lifestyle boutique, The Golden State in 2009. Stocked with handmade goods such as jewelry, candles, and home accents from local artists, many who live right here in Venice, plus vintage wares, clothing and art, the shop is a celebration of California's past and present. Stuart also makes interior/exterior design house calls and has recently introduced a new Jim Barnier custom boot bar at the Golden State this fall. With so many projects in the works, it's tough for this newlywed and mom to relax and take in all the natural beauty that inspires her. So once a week, she and her family get outdoors and totally unplug. Every Sunday it's a new adventure, and since everyone could use a little more unplugged moments in their lives, we kindly asked Stuart for a few of her recommended spots to retreat around Venice.
Follow Stuart's golden adventures and see what's happening in her shop and along Rose Ave. on Instagram @thegoldenstatestore.
"Lincoln and Rose is my neighborhood and we like to stay close to home on Sundays," says Stuart. "With four rowdy boys ages five to 15 we stay pretty active. 'Unplugged Sundays' is our family's way of connecting with each other and really focusing on what we're doing. No phones, pads or screens for one day keeps us refreshed and ready for the week ahead!"
1. The Bike Path. We start at Rose Ave. and ride to the pier or often farther.
2. Play some beach volleyball at Sorrento Beach in Santa Monica.
3. Ride bikes to Mar Vista Farmer's Market.
4. Swing by the Venice Skate Park for a while - always inspiring.
5. Get in the water! Whether it's surfing, SUP or kayaking, unplugging often involves water!
6. End of the day pot luck in the back garden at Big Red Sun, often involves a big group lots of kids and yummy food!
7. Visit the Santa Monica Antique Market at the Santa Monica Airport.
8. Listen to live music (you can always find some in Venice). We always have a blanket so we can stop and spread out when the mood strikes us.
The Golden State
564 Rose Ave., Venice CA 90291