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Venice Art Crawl Features Venice Symphony Orchestra, Jules Muck Holiday Show

Tonight is the last Venice Art Crawl of 2013. With 26 exhibits and events happening throughout town starting at 6 p.m., it's tough to pick and choose. But given that this crawl highlights muralists, plans should definitely involve a visit to The Containers at 1410 Main Street where the Venice Symphony Orchestra (VSO) will be playing and hosting a holiday-themed show curated by renowned muralist Jules Muck.

Speaking of VSO collabs with Jules Muck, we stumbled upon this Kickstarter video where she talks about an art house, The Venice Art Haus, given to her by the VSO to make art and turn into art before it's torn down, thus the Kickstarter project's name, "Create and Destroy: The New Art Haus." (The old Venice Art Haus was a rundown space on Abbot Kinney back in 2010.) The plan is to make it available to painters, hold shows, provide paint lessons, and to cover the exterior in murals in time for the March 2014 Venice Art Crawl. In her effort to raise $2,300 by Christmas for toilet paper, printers, paint, and other necessities, Muck is offering a range of incentives for you to donate including, but not limited to, the following:

$1 She will love you.
$30 Gets you a Venice Art Haus T-shirt.
$75 A set of derogatory greeting cards by Jules Muck.
$350 Muck will do an oil painting portrait of your pet. (For $500 she'll do yours.)
$1000 Your face spray painted green and huge in one of Muck's murals on the streets of Venice.
$5000 She'll come to paint a mural in/ on your home.

"This is our holiday-themed show," Muck says in the self-guided video tour of the Venice Art Haus. "So there's some disturbing stuff, but that's what we're here to do, to disturb, and that is why we can't accept any private funding, and we have to do all crowd funding, so that we can not appease any corporate scumbags."