The 26th annual 5K Hunger Walk will begin at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 23, with hundreds of participants walking and fundraising for the Westside Food Bank from Ocean View Park to the Beach Bash After Party at Perry's Beach Cafe at 3 p.m. The Beach Bash, sponsored by Banc of California, invites walkers and Westside Food Bank supporters to Perry's for an old-fashioned BBQ with DJ, drinks and more for a $20 suggested donation. The event brings the community together to Santa Monica beach to help raise money to help feed low-income families. Every $1 raised provides 4 meals for those in need on the Westside. Last year, more than 500 walkers from 44 teams raised funds that provided more than 350,000 nutritious meals for local people in need.
Westside Food Bank has also partnered with dailyKARMA, a new app that encourages users to donate on the go and raise awareness for select causes via social media. From now through Oct. 31, dailyKARMA will match every $5 donation to Westside Food Bank made through the app.
After party tickets here.
Register here for 5K Hunger Walk.