Here's the Message Behind Abbot Kinney's Colorful Crawfish Mural
Photo by Lmnotree
There's a giant Shasta crawfish mural that was just completed by artist Louis Masai on the wall of Abbot Kinney's G2 Gallery. It's one in a series from the traveling muralist who wants to raise awareness about endangered species. The tour is called The Art of Beeing and aims to "tackle the extinction crisis one wall at a time."
Masai plans to complete 20 murals of species under threat in 12 cities across nine states in just two months.
He's already painted in seven cities championing the plight of bees, bog turtles, New England cottontail rabbits, the gray wolf, Lahontan cutthroat trout, Coho salmon, the island fox, Shasta crayfish, the yellow legged frog and the jaguar.
Photo by G2 Gallery
Photo by Tee Byford
Photo by Tee Byford